Genesis Chapters 14-16

28 Mar


Yay! Things start getting good again! Chapters fourteen and fifteen are actually pretty mundane, but stay with me! It’ll be worth the wait when I get to chapter sixteen!

In chapter fourteen, there are some countries fighting, and in the midst of the fighting Lot is taken captive. A’bram receives word of this, takes his men, and sets out to save him. While he is at it, he recovers things that have been taken from Sod’om, and returns them to their king. The king offers him a reward, but A’bram refuses.

Gen. 14:24 “Nothing for me! Only what the young men have already eaten, and the share of the men who went with me, A’ner, Esh’col and Mam’re – let them take their share.”

I’m okay with A’bram at this point. I’m now willing to let it slide that he previously asked his wife to lie for him,  which led to plagues being placed upon other people.

Chapter fifteen rambles on for a bit, but it basically boils down to A’bram complaining to God that he has been unable to produce an heir with his wife, Sar’ai, and now someone who doesn’t deserve it will inherit his household when he dies. God, in turn, promises to bless A’bram with an heir. There are animals slaughtered, A’bram seems to be drugged at one point, God also promises A’bram that he will die in peace at an old age.


Gen. 16:1-2 “Now Sar’ai, A’bram’s wife, had borne him no children; but she had an Egyptian maidservant and her name was Ha’gar. Hence Sar’ai said to A’bram: “Please now! Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. Please, have relations with my maidservant. Perhaps I may get children from her.” So A’bram listened to the voice of Sar’ai.”

lego sarai1

Raise your hand if you think this is going to end well. Yeah, I didn’t think so! You know, women haven’t changed much over time, (I’m allowed to say this since I am one.), and despite what some women might say, the majority of the time we are NOT okay with our husbands having sex with another woman. Sar’ai was not an exception!

When Ha’gar became pregnant, she began to despise Sar’ai. Jealousy is an ugly monster! Apparently, it was a two-way street for these two.

Gen. 16:5-6 “At this Sar’ai said to A’bram: “The violence done me be upon you. I myself gave my maidservant over to your bosom, and she became pregnant, and I began to be despised in her eyes. May Jehovah judge between me and you.” So A’bram said to Sar’ai: “Look! Your maidservant is at your disposal. Do to her what is good in your eyes.” Then Sar’ai began to humiliate her so that she ran away from her.”

lego sarai2

So, despite the fact that Sar’ai admits that this was all her idea, she is blaming A’bram for Ha’gar’s new-found attitude problem. I have a very vivid mental image of the argument playing out, and out of frustration, A’bram basically tells his wife to do what she wants with Ha’gar. Gloating in her triumph with her husband, Sar’ai goes and basically verbally abuses Ha’gar to the point that she runs away. Now I feel bad for Ha’gar. I’m also not liking A’bram as much. He should have known better!

Jehovah’s angel finds Ha’gar and instructs her to return home and humble herself to her mistress. What? I’m not sure I agree with God’s decision on this, but who am I to question him? She does as she is told, and when A’bram is 86, his son Ish’mael is born.

And so ends chapter sixteen. Hopefully you’ll join me for the next few chapters. Look for the post soon!

Also, if you like the lego cartoons as much as I do, you can check out the webpage I stole them from here.

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Posted by on March 28, 2015 in Genesis


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